April 27, 2009


Isn't he just ADORABLE ? :)

We saw him running around in Jalan Duta and we just couldn't resist. Haha

with love, airinna

April 24, 2009


I don't care if you don't want to talk to me or you want to talk bad about me. I'd rather you not talk to me at all if you're gonna treat me like crap. Right now, you wanna talk to me. Then you talk and if you don't, you don't. Going through hell because i'm too afraid of losing people is not worth it. It's been a tough month and im simply done. I lost ever bit of self confidence i have whch is very minimal. Feeling like you don't matter, you're never good enough and not being able to feel anything. My god, does that suck? I can't even cry : we all know what a cryer i am. Haha. Friends come and go, that's just how things work. People change as we grow older. I don't hold grudges and neither should you. Every mistake i made, shouldn't i be forgiven? As far as im concern i did not make a big mistake with you. Maybe little ones, here and there. But, come on ! We're only human. Forgive and forget is the term.

with love,

April 5, 2009



I have so many unanswered questions. It has been bugging me for months. I wished you can just answer them. I've moved forward but at times my heart keeps on reminding me that I have unfinished business. The more i try to move forward, the more it reminds me that I don't have the answers i want.I dont care anymore, you can do whatever you want with your life because the spell you had on me has worn off. All I want are answers and nothing more. I just want to close that chapter of my life and I won't be able to without your help. Help me out here. You owe me atleast that.

with love,

April 2, 2009



Yeah sure. I've changed. I'm not all naive and gullible. Easier said, im growing up. Ofcourse im not the same person I used to be. People learn from certain events that happened in their life that opens their eyes. As for me, the last incident that happened had shown me so much. It has changed me for the better. You might not think so because you'll like the old me better. The girl who believes everything you say, who thinks life has a happy ending and all. I am not that girl. I am out of my lala land, im in reality now. You can't be mad at me because i've changed into someone more realistic rather than all fantasies. So what if you don't like me. It's not going to kill me. You'll change eventually, then you'll understand.

with love,



What does it mean? I was a true believer but day by day I don't seem to believe in it. I know all best friends fight but it shouldn't be because of a little thing. Your best friend is practically the only person that can be completety honest with you without hurting your feelings. All best friends are suppose to tell you the truth because your friends woud just sugarcoat things to make you feel better. As for me, i do not like to sugarcoat things. I like the truth, i like honesty. I'll say things the way it is, i'll give you my opinion but even if you don't like it i'd rather keep my mouth shut rather than sugarcoat things. Oh, come on. You need honest people in your life or you'll never grow up because you've been living in this perfect little world of yours. I'm not harsh when I tell the truth, im good at arranging my sentences. So, no worries :)

with love,